Diversified portfolios designed by our team of experts based on your risk profile and goals. It’s a simple and easy way to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Get StartedWe make recommendations to you according to your preferences and give you exposure to a range of cryptocurrencies through curated portfolios optimally allocated with Bitcoin, Ethereum, layer 1s and 2s, DeFi, Web3, ESG, AI related coins and tokens and more
Answer a few questions, let’s us know about your risk tolerance, your short or long term plans
No worries, we've got you covered, Upwealth gives you the opportunity to get going easily and in a few minutes.
You'll receive a portfolio personalized to your preferences to achieve your financial objectives.
let us do
the rest.
Make a deposit and build wealth in the crypto ecosystem – without any effort
smart investors
Designed and managed by experts. We’ve crafted the optimal portfolio of crypto assets for you.
Large, best-in-class
Top-rated performers
Large & Small, under-the-radar
The 2 Kings
Balanced & Blended
High-risk, high-reward
Whether you're a newcomer to crypto or an experienced investor, it's crucial to have a portfolio customized to your unique requirements and goals. Upwealth's expert portfolios are meticulously crafted for diversification, featuring a variety of crypto assets from various blockchain sectors. This approach minimizes risk and maximizes returns, all while considering your financial objectives, risk tolerance, and other relevant factors. Plus, you don't need to manage it yourself – Upwealth's experts handle everything, saving you time and ensuring confidence in your investments.
In 3 Steps : Open an account, answer a few questions regarding your personal financial goals and deposit funds securely. Upwealth will offer you curated crypto portfolios that matches your financial goals and risk tolerance.
Upwealth works only with industry-leading custodians, liquidity and service providers. We are fully registered and compliant in the USA and in Europe and our team is made of licensed experts in the financial and cryptocurrency sectors.
At Upwealth, our platform, investment and management tools are free to use. We charge a 2.5% advisory fee based on your managed portfolio's value (2.5% AuM per year) — no hidden costs, performance fees, commissions, or subscriptions. When you trade coins when buying or selling a portfolio, we apply a simple 0.5% transaction fee, just like any other cryptocurrency exchange. For example, if your Upwealth managed portfolio is worth $10,000, you'll pay $50 in transaction fees and approximately $20 in advisory fees per month.